If you Live Outside of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Tri-Service General Hospital helps you with an arrangement of all aspects of your medical visit which provides language interpretation, financial counseling, assistance with travel arrangement or anything individual, cultural needs to help make Tri-Service General Hospital feel as home as possible. Additionally, Tri-Service General Hospital Community physicians offers primary care for your demands, including internal medicine, obstetric, gynecology, pediatrics, oncology, gastroenterology, cardiology and so on. We look forward to assisting you.
To speak with a representative in person, please call+886-02-8792-3311 extension number: 88217 (Monday~Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. UTC-Universal Time Coordinated)
We will guide you through the rest of your journey to health:
Step 1: Request Your Appointment
Once your international medical concierge has received your request, they will contact you within one business day to gather the following information:
- Medical issue to be addressed
- Applicable medical records
- Records may include images (X-ray, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound)
- Physical pathology slides are required for oncology consultations.
- Medical records must be in English.
- Records and images may be emailed to your medical concierge, or mailed to your concierge’s attention.
- Demographic information: gender, date of birth, ethnicity, etc.
- Mailing address
- Copy of passport
- Copy of insurance card
- We will verify your benefits at the time of appointment scheduling.
- Your preferred time-frame for appointment
- We will do our best to pair you with the best specialist for your needs within your preferred time frame.
- Republic of China (Taiwan) -issued visa
- Please go on the website to check up the required documents and contact the embassy in your country to inquire about visa processing time and requirements.
- Tri-Service General Hospital does not provide invitation letters; however, we will provide you with a confirmation letter if needed.
What to Expect Next
- We will review your records and triage them to the appropriate department.
- Additional records may be requested by the clinical department or medical provider.
- We will proceed to scheduling upon the approval of the department.
- Your medical concierge will schedule your appointment(s).
- If you wish to schedule medical appointments for a travel companion, please inform your medical concierge in advance, before finalizing your travel itinerary, so we can do our best to schedule appointments close together.
Step 2: Receive Confirmation and Cost Estimate
- You will receive a confirmation packet detailing your care plan, appointments and other important information related to your visit.
- You will receive a cost estimate for the expected services outlined in your care plan.
Step 3: Confirm Your Appointment
We will reach out to confirm your visit at least 10 days before your appointment. Payment is due in full prior to services rendered.